
Coastal Protection Act Reference Documents

The original Coast Coalition of Nova Scotia was founded in 2004 by groups of concerned citizens worried about the disappearance of coastal habitats. The background and mission statement can be found here.

This PowerPoint presentation was delivered by the Coastal Coalition NS to the provincial deputy ministers in March 2007. This presentation is a good indication of the enourmous amunt of work that went into the effort to protect Nova Scotia’s coast.

“Our Coast” Coastal Technical Report was submitted by the consulting group CBCL Limited to the Nova Scotia government in November 2009.

The press release announcing the release of the technical report in 2009  was full of enthusiasm and hope that the strategy would lead to the proclaimation of the Act and the enforcment of its Regulations.

The NS Draft Coastal Strategy  was developed in 2011, six years after the Coaltion was formed. The strategy  attempted to integrate the complex interdepartmental policies, coastal useage including recreation, tourism, the fishery and industry and the complexities of a changing and dynamic coastline. The authors identified 7 strategy areas. Only 3 of these made it to the Coastal Protection Act that was passed in 2019.

East Coast Environmental Law was involved in the devlopment of a coastal strategy for Nova Scotia from pretty much the beginning of the process. In 2018, EceLaw produced this  judicial overview.

The Overview of the proposed regulations for the Coastal Protection Act (Part 1) was published in 2021.

In July 2021, the province published a short overview of the proposed regulations. Once these Regulations were completed, the Act would then be “proclaimed”. Or least that was the plan.

This presentation was given to the Association NS Land Surveyers  in 2022.

In 2021, the government released the public consultation report. Three years later on February 26, 2024, Tim Halman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change in NS distributed 40,000 questionaires to coastal property owners. He decided that the 39,000 who did not respond to his survey opposed the Coastal Protection Act. It was partly under those assumptions that the Act was not proclaimed.

Published April 11, 2024 Mike Kofahl staff lawyer at East Coast Envronmental Law (who has been working on coastal protection since 2018) wrote this  blog: “Five-year anniversary of the Coastal Protection Act: Comparing the Coastal Protection Act to the Future of Nova Scotia’s Coastline: A plan to protect people, homes, and nature from climate change”

Coastal Protection Act in the News

Saltwire June 8, 2024 Ralph Surette Florida climate fantasies and Nova Scotia’s dead Coastal Protection Act

Todd Veinotte Show: March 11, 2024 Marla MacLeod EAC (interview starts at 22:45) Thoughts on the Coastal Protection Act

Global News: March 10, 2024 Heidi Petracek New N.S. coastal protection plan shifts responsibility to homeowners, municipalities

CBC News March 7, 2024 Michael Gorman  Tim Halman says he assumes 39,000 people who did not take survey oppose the act

CBC News: Feb 2024 Nancy Anningson Killing Coastal Protection Act risky, says Ecology Action Centre

CBC Maritime Noon: Feb 2024 Nancy Anningson from the EAC reacts to the NS government cancelling the Coastal Protection Act. 

CBC News: Feb 26, 2024 Michael Gorman NS Government Scraps Coastal Protection Act

ATV News: Feb 26, 2024 N.S. no longer enforcing Coastal Protection Act

Saltwire: Feb 26, 2024 Francis Campbell N.S. government introduces coastal plan, scuttles protection legislation

Halifax Examiner: Feb 26, 2024 Yvette d’Entremont Nova Scotia’s Coastal Protection Act dead in the water 

Surge 105.1: Feb 26, 2024 Kelli Rickard New coastline protection plan for N.S.

National Observer: Feb 26, 2024 Keith Doucette New N.S. coastal protection plan an “abdication” of government responsibility: environmentalists

CBC Information Morning: Feb 27, 2024 Marla MacLeod  EAC’s reaction to the provincial government scrapping the Coastal Protection Act

CBC Information Morning (Sydney): Feb 27, 2024 EAC calls Coastal Protection Act decision “a failure of leadership”

CBC News: February 2, 2024 Michael Gorman NS Government finds hundreds of lost survey submissions in junk mail

CBC News January 11, 2024: Michael Gorman NS Governement refuses to release survey results

CBC News: Sept 29, 2022 Michael Gorman CPA Regulations almost complete for Nova Scotia’s Coastal Protection Act

Additional Reference Material

National Research Council: Nature-based infrastructure for coastal flood and erosion risk management: a Canadian design guide

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In December 2023, The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute summarised municipal coastal bylaws in this table