
Spring bear hunt pilot: public engagement
The government of Nova Scotia is proposing to hold a spring bear hunt this year (2024) as a pilot project. The hunt would last for 5 weeks from May 20th to June 22nd but this will not increase a hunter’s bag. The governement is asking Nova Scotians to share your views on the prospect of a second bear season in the province. The survey and additional information is here
Wetland survey
January 9, 2024
The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute is conducting this survey to better understand public knowledge and awareness of wetlands in Nova Scotia. the survey only takes 5 minutes. Click here to participate

The Nova Scotian government is updating the environmental assessment legislation. This survey is one way to participate in this process. The survey must be completed before October 6, 2023. Click here to participate.
“Nova Scotians are invited to share feedback about Nova Scotia’s environmental assessment legislation. Mi’kmaq organizations and communities, businesses, organizations and industry representatives are encouraged to participate.”
But before you start the survey, take a look at this template.
You don’t need to use the text, word-for-word, but this template may help inspire your answers to the survey questions.
The template was prepared by the Save Our Old Forest project.
You can download the template, or print it off to help you fill in the survey
For more inspiration before filling out this survey, check out the Ecology Action Center’s response suggestions. You can download and /or print off this document as well.
The Annapolis Waterkeepers have submitted their input, based on their history with the Dept of Environment and the Arlington Heights toxic industrial dump. You can read their input here.