Active Petitions

Proclaim the Coastal Protection Act

Download, print off and collect signatures. There are 15 spaces per page. Please do not alter the petition in any way!

Signature collection guidelines for the petition can be found here

Claudia Chender, Leader of the NS-NDP will table the petition during the Fall sitting of the Nova Scotia Legislature.

The Coastal Protection Act was unanimously passed in 2019 with the goal to:

“…protect the Province’s coast for future generations by preventing development and activity in locations adjacent to the coast that

(a) damage the environment by interfering with the natural dynamic and shifting nature of the coast; or

(b) put residences and buildings at risk of damage or destruction from sea-level rise, coastal flooding, storm surges and coastal erosion.”

Yet, in February 2024, after 5 years of consultation, this Act was not legislated. Instead Tim Halman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change in the Tim Houston PC Government, ignored the overwhelming public support for the Act and devised a plan that would transfer responsibility of Nova Scotia’s coastline to property owners, developers and municipalities.

Hartlen Point has a new - parlimentary - Petition

Hartlen Point, the beautiful eastern headland at the entrance to Halifax Harbour, will be cleared to make way for DND’s new “Land-Based Testing Facility”. It is difficult to describe the importance of the diverse ecosystems found at Hartlen Point; from the wetlands to the forested areas, grassland and coastline, this property provides habitat and a ‘staging area” for over 300 species of birds, 4 dozen of which are species at risk or vulnerable. The wetlands and forests draw down and sequester carbon, helping to mitigate climate change while providing shelter and habitat for many species of reptiles and mammals. The waters around Hartlen Point are home to an important lobster fishery and an enthusiastic surfing community. These waters are shared with marine mammals and sea birds, while hikers and dog-walkers enjoy the view from the shoreline.

This petition was tabled in the House of Commons on April 14, 2024 by Elizabeth May, Leader of The Green Party. The community is now waiting for a response from the Minister of Defense Hon. Bill Blair.


Linktree Hartlen Point blog  / Email

Petition to protect 2 new proposed wilderness areas

SOOF has launched a new petition calling upon the Government of Nova Scotia to designate for protection Beals Brook and Goldsmith Lake Wilderness Areas, two areas of 3900 hectares each on Crown land in Annapolis County.
We are working on getting petitions into stores and businesses – if you have a business and would be willing to host a display please get in touch!

Call for volunteers! We need your help to collect as many signatures as we can!! Please download and print out a petition (or two) and talk to friends, neighbours, family and co-workers .

Click here for the “Protect Wilderness Areas” petition

Save Our Old Forests petition

The Save Our Old Forest petitions are organised by county. This means that the petition will be tabled 17 times by the MLA representing the 17 counties of Nova Scotia.

If you would like to organise a petiton drive in your county or would like to collect signatures, please follow this link to the SOOF website for information.

Save Our Old Forests (SOOF) petition to the Provincial Government. SOOF is asking the Provincial Government to pause clearcutting until old growth forests can be identified for protection. The petition is organised per county. Click here to be re-directed to the SOOF petition page, where you can download a petition for your own county. (signatures for NS legislature must be hand written)

Collective letter to elected representatives to save Sandy Lake

We cant forget that beautiful Sandy Lake is still in the Housing Task Force crosshairs. This is yet another special planning area in Bedford- planned for the park extension- an area of old growth forests and a rich diversity of wild life.

Ecology Action Center has provided an automated letter here:

Facebook page


Collective letter to Canadian Minister of Natural Resources

Canada and industry report on the amount of wood logged annually but fail to track the cumulative impacts of logging year after year, such as the loss of primary and old-growth forests.

Canada also fails to report on whether or not logging is adequately upholding Indigenous rights, such as the right to free, prior and informed consent.

Let’s make sure Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson knows we’re paying attention

This link will take you to the letter. It only takes a minute to fill in your information.

Tell The Province to Amend the Provincial Parks Act!

Follow this link to the on-line form letter that the The Ecology Action Center has designed. This is a quick and easy way to urge Premier Tim Houston, Minister Tory Rushton and Minister Tim Halman to amend the Provincial Parks Act so that concerned citizens do not have to fight development on parkland and are assured that Nova Scotia’s protected areas will actually be protected.