Goldsmith Lake

Goldsmith Lake is the largest lake in the Round Hill River watershed, a sub watershed of the  Annapolis River. Unlike many of the other lakes in the area Goldsmith has not been dammed for hydroelectricity or water  supply. Neither Goldsmith nor Corbett Lake to the east have been developed for summer or  permanent homes, being formerly Bowater lands and now Crown.  

The forests surrounding these two lakes are known to biologists, ecologists and interested  residents of the area as being healthy, particularly rich in biodiversity, and relatively unspoiled  by roads and logging. Almost nowhere in Nova Scotia is untouched. This area is some of the very best of what we do have. 

The forests around Goldsmith Lake provide habitat for many Species at Risk including:  Blue-felt lichen, Fosted glass-whisker lichen, Wsiqoq  (Black ash), Common Nighthawks, Eastern wood pewee, and Chimney swifts.

The Citizen Scientists of Southwest Nova submitted a proposal to protect an area of 3900 ha of Crown land surrounding Goldsmith Lake.  

If it were to be designated “protected” the Goldsmith Lake Wilderness Area would include both Goldsmith and Corbett lakes, as well as headwaters of the Roundhill River, and Tupper brook, patches of recognized old growth and other areas of high conservation value old forest.

Click here for the Proposal to protect Goldsmith Lake and its old growth and mature forests

Click here to download and collect signatures to protect Goldsmith Lake and Beals Brook as Wilderness Areas.

For more information, contact or follow Save Our Old Forests (SOOF)

For more information, contact or follow Save Our Old Forests (SOOF)