Carr Farm, Fall River

The location and type of Sewage Treatment concerning the Carr Farm property has been a well kept secret from the public. A Freedom of Information request has revealed that the outfall for the sewage from 500 apartments and a 144-bed long term care home operated by Northwood Care is currently planning to release into the waters of Lake Thomas at a depth of only 4 metres.
Since this is a seniors-friendly development, it is estimated that the amount of trace pharmaceuticals in the effluent will be much higher than it would be from a younger demographic.
It has also been discovered that the amount of phosphorus will be above the net-zero amount allowed in our waterways per HRM by-laws. Phosphorus has the potential to create blue-green algae.

what the developer proposed to HRM during the final hearing to approve the development. 500 apartments plus 144 bed LT Care Home (the X building). Since the rules allow for 4 buildings, 8 buildings were created and joined by a small connector builder.

The site likely can not handle this level of density and was never supposed to allow this level of density. But if the developer is allowed to continue with the construction of 500 apartments and a 144 Long-Term care home, perhaps the sewage should be dealt with completely on-site so the final in-earth runoff will take some time and be cleaner by the time it reaches Lake Thomas.

Eleven families take their drinking water from Lake Thomas. Their intake pipe is 100 feet or 33 metres out into Lake Thomas which is 655 feet or 200 metres from the proposed Carr Farm Outfall.

A copy of the Receiving Waters study, carried out as part of the approval process for the proposed outfall, does not include the presence of the Thomas Drive water intake.

Comparison of the original proposal and approval received in 2018 (390 units) and the most recent 2023 development plan (644 units).

For more information, contact or follow Plan Fall River

For more information, contact or follow Plan Fall River