Forestry: Resourcs and Films

The logging industry has always been about fiber extraction and profit margines with the exploitation of the Earth as its core business. (Ecological) Forestry works with the natural world to maintain a balance in the forest while providing monetary benefits for humans. There’s a big difference.

This page offers some general resource links and fims / videos about forestry and the logging industry.

Are earth’s ecosystems too complex for us to mimic?

A short video brought to you by: Boundary Forest Watershed Stewardship Society



Shared Ground is a monthy podcast by Amanda Bostlund. This particular episode is a thoughtful compilation of interviews on restoring our relationship with the land.  Go to Shared Ground for all the podcast episodes.

Understory is produced by Cliff Seruntine, who explores the sciences devoted to the study of life between sky and rock and the places where that life weaves together. The You Tube channel and Facebook page are for all those who care for and want to learn about the natural world.

If you’d like to learn more, join Cliff in the woods on his You Tube channel or via Facebook.

Articles and Research links

Research article:

Young mixed planted forests store more carbon than monocultures – a meta-analysis. Emily Warner et al. Frontiers of Forest and Global Change Sec. Planted Forests. November 9, 2023

Here is the proposal to protect Goldsmith Lake and its old growth and mature forests.