The Dirt Gang March update

Hello everyone and welcome to our new subscribers. Thank you for joining!

It was a challenge this month to stay ahead of all the developments and news items affecting Nova Scotians, but we did our best. If you would like to help us out, please tag Sandy Martin on any news or information posts that you think should be added to the site.

Here are the news highlights for this month. Click here to go to the “News” page for actual links to the items.

  • Nova Scotia has a new “critical minerals strategy” that will have consequences throughout the province.
  • The Province has dropped the Coastal Protection Act, leaving the responsiblity for coastal protection to landowners, developers and municipalities.
  • The survey for the proposed spring bear hunt has caused quite a lot of discussion and debate on social media platforms and in the press.
  • The Province has designated 900 acres on Cape Breton Island as protected, plus designated 15 parks and expanded 2 others.
  • Hartlen Point is again in the news. The community group has published a new, official, parlimentary petition. Elizabeth May will present the petition in the House of Commons after its closing date of April 14th.

Events details are here:

  • The Dirt Gang, SOOF and Patagonia are hosting a citizen science workshop at The Wooden Monkey, Dartmouth location on Sunday afternoon April 14th. Nina Newington is guest speaker and will talk about SOOF and the importance of citizen science. The info session will be followed by a practical workshop the next weekend. (Stay tuned for details)
  • SOOF is holding an “Old Time Dance” on March 9th
  • March 17th is SOOF Soup Sunday
  • More up-coming events on the “Events” page

Call to Action:

  • The folks at Goldsmith Lake were disappointed to find that the hold on logging operations in the old growth forests around Goldsmith Lake and Corbett Lake have been lifted. A proposal was submitted to protect this area and Beals Brook as Wilderness Areas given the amazing ecosystem and species at risk found there. Please write your MLA to support this proposal. You can find the petition in support of the Wilderness Areas here. Printing it off and collecting signatures would make a huge difference for Nina Newington and others camping out on a muddy logging road at Goldsmith Lake.
  • Please sign the on-line Hartlen Point petition. You can also print and collect signatures for the paper petition … and …. you may sign both!
  • Good news. the Annapolis Waterkeepers have reached their goal of $1000 in donations. This amount will be matched dollar for dollar by the Arlingon Forest Protection Society. The funds will be used for water and soil testing around the Arlington C&D landfill that is leaching toxins into the destroyed wetlands and water courses.

Thank you all for following us. Please feel free to comment on the website’s content and make suggestions.

Until next time, take care,

The Dirt Gang