Glyphosate - What You Can Do

What can you do about glyphosate spray approvals in your area?

Note: Glyphosate is an active ingredient in Round Up and Agent Orange

Glyphosate – What Is It?9

Glyphosate – In Nova Scotia Forests9

Glyphosate- The Science (Research Links) 9

Glyphosate – In The News 9

Aerial spraying of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides has been approved by Nova Scotia’s Department of Environment and Climate Change for many parcels of privately owned land around the province. Spraying can start September 1st and ends when leaves fall so early October, most likely.

To find the exact locations of spray sites, follow the “key details” link on

Check through the listings for the three companies that do the actual spraying: Irving, Wagner and ARF Enterprises. You will find the PIDs of approved sites alongside the name of the community.

Search the PID in Finding the location is free. Finding the (usually corporate) landowner’s name costs $11.50. Irving and Wagner probably own all the land they spray.

  • Contact the landowners and respectfully ask them to cancel the spray.
  • Contact your municipal councillor, ask them to help stop the spray.
  • Come together with others living near the spray site that concerns you most. There are peaceful ways to stop the spraying of a site. Contact for suggestions.

Spraying glyphosate-based herbicides on forests is one way of managing the aftermath of clearcutting. There are other options, such as hiring workers with spacing saws and paying them decently. Or letting the forests regrow naturally.

In many places, including Cape Breton and Quebec, aerial spraying of forests with glyphosate is banned.

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The permits Nova Scotia Environment issues year after year allow corporate landowners to take the profits while we — and the earth — pay the costs. It is time to say no to this calamity. Ban the use of aerial glyphosate sprays in forestry in the whole of Nova Scotia.

GREAT NEWS! October 2, 2022:

Hurray! We won. There was no more aerial spraying of glyphosate-based herbicides on our forests in 2022. Big thanks to MLA Carman Kerr for his help in trying to get the government to follow its own regulations.

None of the 13 sites from Baxter’s Harbour in Kings to Concession in Clare were sprayed, thanks to all the communities who stood up and said No, You Don’t. Don’t Spray Us!

Sadly in all the counties where communities did not take direct action, the aerial spraying did take place. But for today, let’s focus on the ones that did stand up. Needless to say the government and the industrial forestry practitioners won’t come right out and say we won, but win we did.

 For the 3rd year in a row communities that camped by land scheduled to be sprayed were 100% successful in stopping helicopters spraying poison in their midst.