Glyphosate spray approvals 2024.

Politicians obviously pay no atttention to science

The annual spraying of (mainland) Nova Scotia’s forests has begun. Tim Halman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, under Tim Houston’s PC Government, announced the approved permits on August 15th. The spray season will extend from August 15 to October 31, 2024.  The full list of approvals with PID’s can be found here

Follow this link to the 2023 approvals

Nina Newington Facebook post August 18, 2024

This is all the forested sites approved by the Department of Environment and Climate Change for aerial spraying with glyphosate based herbicides this year. Spray season runs from August 15 to September 30th.
The companies doing the spraying are supposed to inform the public of their plans to spray by putting notices in the newspapers. Did you see any notice in any paper you read? The obvious place to post those notices would be in free local papers such as the Bridgetown Reader. In spite of the fact that there are 12 sites approved for spraying in Annapolis County, no notice ran in that paper.
Annapolis County residents have made it abundantly clear in the past 4 years that they do not find helicopters spraying glyphosate acceptable in their communities. In other counties too citizens have protested and blocked efforts to spray land in their communities.
A few forestry companies choose to go with aerial spraying of recovering clearcuts because they find it more convenient than hiring workers to manually thin the native hardwoods that compete with the softwoods the companies favour. Is this a good enough reason to keep on with this toxic practice?
Why does our government keep allowing this?
Please contact your MLA and write to Tim Halman,
Tell him what you think.

Approvals map: Nina Newington